4. How does nature select which animals can have young?

Todays learning: (WALT)

  • Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents
  • Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.

Lesson Activities / Tasks

  • VIDEO: 'How does nature select which animals can have young'
  • Video Dialog
    • We have seen how artificial selection by man produced very different looking dogs and cows that produce more milk.

    • In the wild this selection is done by "nature"

    • But what is "nature" how can it select which animals can breed and have young?

    • Well...Just like farm animals wild animals of the same species are not all the same,

    • some cheetahs are faster than others....

    • Some lions are better at sneaking up (stalking) on prey

    • Some giraffes have longer necks - and tongues so can reach higher leaves....

    • So all this means that some cheetahs, lions and giraffes have more chance of getting food and surviving - this is called survival of the fittest.

    • This is decided by 'nature' which really means the surroundings or environment where the animals live.

    • The animals which are 'fittest' survive and are more likely to mate and produce young.

    • Just like cows which produce the most milk, these faster cheetahs, 'sneakier' lions and longer necked giraffes will have offspring which are slightly faster, sneakier, and longer necked.

    • Over time this means that cheetahs, lions, and giraffes will change or evolve to become faster, sneakier or taller.

    • This has been caused by 'nature' which is really the surrounding where they live and it is this which decides or selects which animals breed = natural selection.

    • This change which happens to animals over time, due to natural selection, is called Evolution 

  • Complete relevant section of pupil workbook.

  • Plenary

  • Do quiz for section answers


  • Video: 'How does nature select which animals can have young'
  • Pupils work book 'Can Sheep read numbers?'

Outcomes: (WILF)

  • Explain how even animals with same parents are not exactly the same and will have different characteristics

Teaching notes:


Last modified: Monday, 25 November 2013, 7:27 PM